The Point Blankets Site

Welcome to the site exclusively dedicated to point blankets. Point blankets are a type of trade blanket and are most closely associated with the Hudson’s Bay Company who have been marketing them into North America since 1779. For over thirty years I have been researching the history of these blankets and have published two books on the subject: The Blanket: an Illustrated History of the Hudson’s Bay Point Blanket (Quantum/HBC, Toronto, 2002) and The Collector’s Guide to Point Blankets (Cinetel, Bowen Island, 2003). Since 2000 I have been a consultant to the Hudson’s Bay Company building a collection of examples of all of their blankets and conducting seminars at their various stores and in museums examining antique point blankets for their curious owners. As a result of this work I receive numerous emails daily from interested blanket owners and collectors. The purpose of this site is to answer the most common questions I receive and help direct interested readers to other sites and sources of information. Harold Tichenor

“Pioneer at Fort Garry 1861”, oil on canvas by Adam Sherriff Scott assisted by E.T. Adney, 1925. Detail from large mural formerly installed in the Winnipeg Hudson’s Bay Company downtown store depicting First Nations, Métis and settlers wearing blankets and engaged in trade. (Reproduced with permission of Hudson’s Bay Company)

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